Amiga CD-Sensation: Golden Games
Amiga CD-Sensation - Ausgabe 2 - Golden Games (1996)(GTI - Schatztruhe)(DE)[!].iso
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Boulder Däsh
Boulder Däsh V2.43
(C) Guido Mersmann 1995
System Requirements
Feature List
How To Install
Main Window
of BoulderDäsh
How To Play
Own Graphics
Bug List
The Author
Bug Reports,Incitements...
BoulderDäsh is a convert of the original BoulderDash from the good old
So you will say this is already there. You are right, there are a lot
of clones, but they are all not as good as the original, if you look at
the graphic or the feeling of playing it. Even converts at PC are not
very good. Also on fast PCs the animation speed of the objects is
lowered, if there is scrolling.
This version was tested by different independent persons and all said
the same: this BoulderDäsh is the best. I will not praise myself here,
but test it yourself, built your own opinion and please tell me about
My graphics are very similar to the original. I do not have the
original graphics and will not include it, because this is against the
copyright. Furthermore the name is protected, so I have also changed
the name.
Perhaps there will be someone, who wants to convert and publish the
original C64 graphic.
System Requirements
System Requirements
BoulderDäsh (should run) runs at all computers with OS 2.0 or higher.
Some functions are not available under 2.0, because they presume OS3.x+
From OS2.1 on BoulderDäsh is able to work multilingual.
To run BoulderDäsh a minimum of 1MB is required.
Except the Standard Libraries the LowLevel.library is needed. It is a
part of OS3.1 and most CD32 games from CD have it.
BoulderDäsh was tested with the following configurations without any
A2000 OS3.1 1MB Chip and 4MB Fast
A2000 OS3.1 1MB Chip
A500 OS2.1 1MB Chip and 2MB Fast
A500 OS2.1 1MB Chip and 1,8 MB Ranger Fast
A1200-20 OS3 2MB Chip
A1200-30 OS3 2MB Chip
CD32 OS3.1 2MB Chip
CD32-SX1 OS3.1 2MB Chip and 4MB Fast
° 1:1 Clone of the Original
° Softscrolling and full speed also under a MC68000
(no jerking with the animation's or the scrolling)
° more than 580 levels in this edition!!
° 14 different graphics
° Local support
° Kickstart 2.04 or higher is required.
° Programmed in Commodore Styleguide
° High compatibility by using the LowLevel.library
° All adjustments are possible per Gadtools-GUI
° Enlarged by more
Play Elements
(FALSE stones, FALSE Metal,..)
So new interesting possibilities within the levels are possible.
° The size of the levels is free (depends on ChipMem)
° The
can be saved for any play.
° Comfortable
Level Editor
° The gravitation can be fixed in every level for all four direction.
Game Editor
for creating complete games.
° With the help of a paint program an
Own Graphic
can be created.
This program should be published on every public medium, as long as all
files in the archive are unchanged.
BoulderDäsh is Shareware.
I have decided to publish a full version of
BoulderDäsh, because I hope, that everybody, who likes this game, will
pay for it.
I expect from everybody, who uses BoulderDäsh regularly,
10 DM
or the
same amount in another currency. I think this does not hurt anybody,
and I will have more fun to integrate new features or write a new
Updates may be requested from Aminet and my local support box "The
kiteman" 2:2449/246
I am not liable for injures or data loss caused by BoulderDäsh. The use
of BoulderDäsh is on your own responsibility !!!
How to Install BoulderDäsh
How to Install BoulderDäsh
To install BoulderDäsh please use the original Commodore Installer. It
creates a directory, in which BoulderDäsh is installed.
You can also copy the BoulderDäsh-drawer into any directory on your
If you do not like BoulderDäsh, you can delete the whole drawer to
destroy BoulderDäsh completely.
Assigns, path-adjustments or insertments into the User-Startup are not
necessary. Only if you are so enthusiastic, that you want to start
BoulderDäsh in the User-Startup. (-8
How To Play
How To Play
After you have started a game, the screen scrolls to a gleaming block,
the "In".
After some seconds it explodes. Rockford appears here, the hero of the
His task is the following one: He has to collect a determined number of
diamond in a determined time and must then move to the "Out" to leave
the level.
The level is full of different elements, which all have special
If it is not mentioned in another way all elements have the following
° disappear, if they explode
° ghosts or Rockford cannot run through them
° stones tilt down on one side
Rockford can run through it and space is left on this place. Stones and
diamonds lay on the ground and cannot tilt down at one side.
Allows diamonds, stones, ghosts and Rockford free movement.
Can be collected by Rockford. Follow the gravitation and can tilt down
at one side, if there is no ground or metal under them.
Rockford can push them vertical to the gravitation, if there is a space
behind the stone in that direction, it should be pushed. Stones can
fall and tilt like diamonds.
Metal can not explode and does not allow stones or diamonds to tilt
down, even if it is allowed by the environs.
Metal - Fake
Acts like metal, but it is able to explode.
Is only an obstacle and does not help in any way.
Magic Walls
If a stone falls down on a magic wall and underwards the wall there is
a space, so the wall becomes active and changes the stone into a
diamond. In return a diamond passing the magic wall changes into a
stone. If there is no space underwards the magic wall stones and
diamonds passing it are absorbed. The length of active time of a magic
wall can be given different in any level. If the magic wall has
switched off itself, it cannot be activated again.
Growing Walls (left/right)
As soon as this element discovers a space left or right next to it, it
grows in this direction.
Growing Walls (up/down)
As soon as this element discovers a space up or down next to it, it
grows in this direction.
Water grows after a defined growing rate and spread through ground and
As soon as a defined quantity of water is reached, all water elements
turned to stone.
If there is no way for the water to grow more, then it will turn to
Stones and diamonds cannot tilt down. Stone-ghosts cannot become
active, because they cannot tilt down like normal stones.
Slime permits diamonds and stones to go through it , because it is
viscous. This viscousiosity can be adjusted. This only takes place, if
there is a space under the slime.
Stones and diamonds cannot tilt down. Stone-ghosts does not become
active, because they also cannot tilt down.
Moves through the spaces of the whole level. If they tough water or are
crashed with a stone, they explode to nine diamonds.
Moves through the spaces of the whole level. If they tough water or are
crashed with a stone, they explode to nine spaces.
Stone - Ghosts
Stone-ghosts are very social. If they are hit by a stone or tough
water, they explode to nine stones.
Both things only happen if they are not asleep. Stone-Ghosts stay as
long asleep as the stone is without movement, so the stone cannot fall
down. A sleeping stone-ghost acts like a normal stone and can be pushed
by Rockford as well.
Once awaken stone-ghosts move through the spaces of the whole level.
Can be moved by yourself. Rockford can move through space and ground.
If Rockford crosses ground, afterwards there will be space. If you
press the fire button, Rockford frees the place next to him. He can
remove one element ground in every direction without moving himself.
If there is a stone or a sleeping stone-ghost horizontal next to
Rockford and behind the stone there is a space, Rockford can push this
stone(-ghosts). With the fire button Rockford can push the stone
without movement.
There is danger for Rockford because of killing by butterflies and
fireflies. If this happens Rockford explodes.
Rockford - Twin
He looks like Rockford. If he toughs a butterfly or a firefly, the
Rockford-Twin explodes, and with him Rockford himself, too. The twin
must be protected by Rockford.
Rockford enters the level with the help of this element. There may be a
few Ins in one level. If this happens, many Rockfords enter this level.
All Rockfords are directed by the player simultaneously.
This is the exit of the level. But it isn't gleaming!!
Out - gleaming
Again an exit, but this time it started gleaming, if all diamonds are
Out - Fake
Starts gleaming, if all diamonds are collected. But it is not an exit.
Gravitation Arrow
This element is present in each direction once. If Rockford runs again
such a stone, the gravitation changes in the direction of the arrow on
the stone.
This element behaves like a normal wall.
Functions of the keyboard
If you get into a situation with no way out, you can blow up Rockford
by pushing the ESC-key. After each loss of Rockford it is the turn of
the next player. If you play alone, you are logically again.
Press the spacebar to activate and deactivate the pause.
By pressing F10 you can leave the game immediately and get back to the
menu. There is no way to continue the game !!!
Own Graphics
Own Graphics
Beside the
enclosed graphics
you can create own graphics, too. All you
need is a paint program and some talent.
If you have created own graphics, you can send them to me and I will
admit them into my archive, after some testing.
All graphics of BoulderDäsh are Lores-IFF-pictures. Each picture
consists of a complete graphic. So load a picture and change the
graphic then.
Some advice you should read first, because this advice can save you a
lot of annoyance and work.
1. picture size
The picture should have the loosening Lores with eight colours and
should not consist of masks. BoulderDäsh should not have problems with
other sizes, but these pictures will need a lot of needless space on
your hard disk.
2. Block Size
Every block consists of 16*16 pixel.
3. The position of the single elements
The arrangement of the single blocks is very simple. So please look at
the added graphics. If you need a little help, please look at the
4. Scanner
The scanner is a feature, which is integrated into the routine of
loading. So we take the animation of Rockford, for example. You paint
an animation to move Rockford to the left and then, if you load
BoulderDäsh, it recognises, that you have not painted the animation to
move Rockford to the right. Now BoulderDäsh copies the animation for
the left and turns it around. This work also the other way round.
The following blocks will be copied :
Metal <=> Fake_Metal <=> Metal_Moving_Block
Stone <=> Stone-ghost asleep
Wall <=> Growing Wall left/right <=> Growing Wall up/down
Rockford left <=> Rockford right (all Animation-steps)
From each of these types, there must exist one of the equivalents. If
there is a type missing, than the requester sends the message: "Graphic
Out <=> Fake Out <=> Fake In (not only open, but also closed)
If there does not exist any type of In/Out, then the closed type
consists of metal.
Each copy within a block cannot take place, if there is a pixel in it,
which is not the colour of the background.
Each block, which only consists of the colour of the background, is
All block, which are not mentioned here, must be available to start the
5. Animations
For all animations there is space for eight steps. If you need less
than eight steps for your animation, please take a zero (colour of the
background) for all steps you do not need and the animation will be
ended earlier. Please pay attention the fact, that after an empty block
all the other graphics of this animation will be ignored.
6. Speed of the Animations
The speed for every animation can be adjusted. This is possible by
adjusting of the
in the info-data of the particular
The game font
Besides the gamegraphics there is also the possibility to paint the
font, which is used for the score line, yourself.
The font is formatted in Lores with 1 plan and should not be filed in
another way. BoulderDäsh can load other formatted graphics, but this
files are needlessly long and reading them takes much more time.
Each symbol is 16 Pixel wide and 8 Pixel high.
° Own levels
If you create own levels, please pay attention to not overload them.
Taking less elements is mostly more than it seems. So please do not
take all elements in one level, but create your own ideas and make the
game more interesting because of this.
° The structure of the game
Intermissions should appear in regular intervals, to give the player
the chance of involving these lives into the game. This will raise the
charm of the game, because a player with no more lives, who knows that
an intermission follows the present level, where he can get a bonus
life, can survive a lot of other levels afterwards.
° What is the reason for not editing levels in the
Game Editor
To edit a level you must delete the original game or you must load a
game you have created yourself. As soon as the original game is not any
more in the editor, you have all possibilities of changing it.
° I want to adjust the starting level and the number of lives in the
Game Settings
, but this is impossible. Why?
This is the same protection as for editing levels. I have activated
this protection in the added games, so all players have the same chance
for getting into the highscores. In your own games you can choose the
starting level yourself.
In your own games you can activate this protection, by switching on the
button "Save Game" together with the control-key in the
° Why can't I start BoulderDäsh and the
Level Editor
If there are no levels in the storage, this buttons are blocked. Please
go into the
and load a game, or create one level as
The same Thing happens , if there is no game graphic available. Please
go to Game Settings and load a game graphic. Afterwards the button will
be given free.
If this isn't successful, a font is missing. Please adjust this in the
Game Settings
° After starting a level, Rockford does not appear. Why?
Every level needs an In. You have forgotten to set one while you have
edited a level. Add this in the
Level Editor
and Rockford will appear
in the next game.
° BoulderDäsh does not run. It does not open a window.
BoulderDäsh needs some libraries, which are added at the original
Workbench. Please guarantee , that ASL.library and IffParse.Library are
in the Libs-Directory.
BoulderDäsh also needs a library, which is added from Kick 3.1 on. The
LowLevel.library !! This library is also added on a lot of CD32 and
A1200/4000 game mediums.
° In my
Own Graphics
all animations are wrong!!
BoulderDäsh runs all eight steps one after another. This means that it
starts again, when the last step is reached. Please test, if this step
is fluent.
° My animations are too short!!!
Within animations there must not be empty blocks, because BoulderDäsh
thinks this is the end of the animation.
° If I load my graphic, I receive the message, that he can't find the
The CMAP-Chunk contains information about the colours. Normally all
pictures contain such a chunk. Look at the documentation of your
painting program, in which way this information is saved into the
° If I load my graphic, I receive the message, that he can't find the
The BODY-Chunk contains the real graphic. If this is missing,
BoulderDäsh can't get information about the picture here. Look at the
documentation of your painting program, in which way a picture is saved
° If I load my graphics, I receive the message, that BoulderDäsh can't
find the BMHD-Chunk!
The BMHD-Chunk contains the format of the graphic. If this is missing,
a graphic can't be read correctly, because it isn't clear how much
bytes per line must be load and how much colours the picture contains.
Look at the documentation of your painting programm, in which way a
picture is saved correctly.
° In the guide is given, that BoulderDäsh remembers the name of a player.
But if I restart BoulderDäsh all names are lost. What do I do wrong?
If you open in the
Game Settings
the request button
Name Settings
can change the name. Afterward you have to save the changing, to
restore them for the next games.
° I have a greater score than my friend. By in the highscorelist I stand
one a lower place. Why?
In this game the aim is to absolve all caves. Theoretically someone
with 0 score, who was defeated in cave 20 can be on place 1 of the
° Where are my scores, if I load a new game?
They are on hard disk or floppy disk. Every game contains an own list
of prefs, because otherwise the statements of the highscores are too
complex. If you load the old game again, your highscores will appear
° If I edit a level in the
, I can test it. But if I try to
start the game, there is not enough memory for the game size. This also
happens, if I try to start a level, which I have edited before,
directly. Why?
This is all right. BoulderDäsh needs in a game the game size of the
biggest level and allocated this right at the beginning. If you edited
in the Editor a size of 40*22, so there can also appear a level with ,
for example, 40*40 in this game. And in your case for this size there
isn't ChipMem free. Try to close windows and screens to save ChipMem.
If this doesn't help, quit BoulderDäsh as well and restart it, because
of this ChipMem will be defragmented. If this also doesn't help, remove
the big level out of the game.
° While playing sometimes mytherious mistakes in the spaces appear.
This effect isn't a mistake, but it shows you, that you have just got a
bonus life.
This text shows like a diary, what has been changed in the different
V1.0 1987 written at a weekend. It was my first programm at the A500!!!
It was as fast as the original, but it wasn't able to fasten the
speed of the game. This was optimised by more intelligent screen
routines and an optimised move controller. The levels were firmly
integrated and there were never more than 3, because otherwise I
had to enter them in the source as "dc.b DT_Metal,DT_Wall..."
V2.0 1995 a complete new version (changing of the routines), addition of
a move controller and an intelligent screen creation routine, that
runs without Double Buffering.
V2.1 Addition of the LevelEditor, removement of some little bugs
and adaption of the Lowlevel library.
V2.2 New routine for the falling of the stones with correct gravitation
(for each direction one)
V2.3 Little corrections in the Interrupt Blitter Routine
V2.4 Little corrections in the routine of the falling stones. Stones
also tilt down at the right side. (-8
V2.5 New initialisation and less memory needed. With this step the
weakest point, concerning the stability of the system after ending
BoulderDäsh was removed. With the help of the asyncfunctions
a GUI created, with is an interface between the game and OS.
V2.6 Local texts and new mistake requester
V2.7 Scrolling mistake in oversized levels corrected.
V2.8 Enlarged graphics in the LevelEditor and new random-functions.
Mistake (software failure) in the explosion of the twins corrected
V2.9 Little mistakes by changing from big to small levels corrected
Little corrections in the Game-Editor
Protection-protocol included. Now you can't start my levels any
V2.10 Graphic-interface included. From now on BoulderDäsh loads all
graphics as IFF-picture.
V2.11 Graphic and animation-scanner included. All game settings can be
saved. Pattern in the ASL Requester. Paths and patterns will be
saved in the game settings.
V2.12 The graphic is completely now. Water looks like water and the magic
walls are walls, that will be animated.
V2.13 Little mistakes corrected : Joycontroller, time-out, LevelEditor
V2.14 New gravitation arrows included
V2.15 Bad bug under OS2.x corrected : Found by Andreas Vierkant
V2.16 Small discrepancies with the original levels corrected and opting
the LevelCompressor.
V2.17 Small changes in the LevelEditor and the window for the
V2.18 Small bugs for the Icon Starting, the ASL-Requester and the
LevelEditor corrected : found by Timo Hegemann
V2.19 Water adjustment and slime rate changed to percent
V2.20 Mistake in the number of players corrected. A player got a life to
much indeed. (-8
V2.21 Addition of the highscorelist. Every game has its own highscores
V2.22 Small mistakes in the NameRequester and in the Hiscore-Save-Routine
corrected. Play the game some times to fill the highscorelist.
The player names will be saved with the prefs now.
V2.23 Again some mistakes in the highscore routines found. Furthermore
a player with the same score in the same level will be added in the
highscores after the player, who is already there.
V2.24 Modulo mistake in the LevelEditor corrected. From time to time the
levels were distorted while depressing, if the running game contains
a level , which was bigger then the one to edited.
small discrepancies with the levelnumbers corrected. If you win in
one game, for example, 20 levels and then also win the last one, the
game starts again at the beginning and the levelnumber was set to 1.
This isn't good for your place in the highscores. Now the
levelnumbers will be counted on.
V2.25 Besides some small optings in the LevelEditor you can play the
edited level in the testing mode endless, no difference, if you win
the level or not. The level will return. The Tilulit-Effect can be
switched off specially for the LevelEditor now.
V2.26 Mistake in the LevelSetting requester corrected.
V2.27 Mistake in the Scrollercontroller found, which appears in different
level sizes in one game.
V2.28 Following the hint of Timo Hegemann a GameOver-Intercut after the
last life was added. Furthermore the long existing mistake in the
scroller function was corrected. Now you can always the entry of a
cave, before Rockford appears.
V2.29 Game information requester added and making the game format safe
for the future.
V2.30 New font routine added and creation of a font very similar to the
original. IFF-Loader, prefs requester and prefs format adjusted.
Mistakes in the magic wall corrected. New score line and
game notices, which are very similar to the original. Mistakes in
the game information corrected.
V2.31 Little corrections in the documentation and in the local data done.
Small graphical corrections in the LevelSetting requester done.
Mistake in the sounds giving out corrected : found by Andreas
V2.32 Worked in the mistake of saving games. Now the game version number
is also counting. Small opting in the IFFILBM routines. GameSettings
enlarged. Now you can choose, which game will be loaded while
starting BoulderDäsh. Now I have found a mistake, which is also in
the first Aminet Version. Every time the first player is always
announced. This gets a little bit difficult with two players in the
end of a game.
V2.32 Small correction in the move controller. Now to original levels
are more compatible and the feeling is better. Now you can't
explode through a left-right movement under a stone by accident.
V2.34 Changed the stone-falling routine. Now the stone fall 100%
Furthermore I have corrected the small disorientation of the
LevelScoller at the beginning of a new level.
Mistake in the time bonus corrected and adjustment of the bonus life
function to the original. Addition of the DoubleScan switch into
the GameSettings. Now the owners of screens, who can only show
frequencies >30Khz, can play BoulderDäsh as well.
V2.35 Now the ChipSet will be resetted by LoadView(zero). Perhaps
DoubleScan will run now, too.
300 (threehundred) new levels in 15 games added. Perhaps some levels
are not playable, because the adjustment of the water/slime and the
magic walls is missing.
V2.36 Water and slime routine corrected. Now the water grows constantly
and the slime is always pervious in the same way. Before this the
rate falls by growing quantity of water (slime).
Mistake by creating Rockford corrected. One line wasn't active
because of a mistake in version 2.28 and hasn't been activated
Mistake in the animationscroller of the magic wall corrected.
Bonus life effect included.
Changing water to diamonds by activating the magic wall included.
Timing-problem within the start of the level corrected.
The ghost-moving routine adjusted to the original. Now there are
nearly no more incompatibilities. "Nearly no more", because all
BoulderDäshs are different in the movement partly.
A more efficent LevelCompressor included, which replaces the old
V2.37 UserBlock finally included into the LevelEditor. Otherwise it would
be senseless. The SpaceBlock can also be animated.
Mistakes in the scroller by starting the level corrected. The
ghosts already started moving while scrolling. So it could happen,
that Rockford already exploded while he is created, because
Rockford waited for the scoller, but not the ghosts.
V2.38 Future-GFX included.
The animation speed can the adjusted via ToolType for every graphic
Mistake in the animation controller corrected.
New icons created.
V2.39 ExplosionRoutine improved.
From now on all INs in a level will be supported. So all Rockfords
coming out of an IN can be moved.
Little improvements in the TwinRoutines.
V2.40 Mistakes in the LevelScroller corrected, which only appears, if many
Rockfords appear.
Correction of a mistake by the creation of Rockford at the
beginning of a level, which only appears with many Rockfords.
V2.41 Now all twins explode, if a ghost toughs them.
V2.42 Modification in the protection protocol. Now also in the level
frames In and Outs can be set.
Small mistakes in the explosion routine corrected. Rockford could
still explode in the Out.
New PlayerName requester in the GameSettings included.
Score texts are printed concentric automatically.
Now the PlayerName can be distributed in stead of Player#
Old name requester at the end of the game removed.
New Hiscore routines included. Now there are 3 different
hiscorelists for every game.
Mistake in the linkage of the windows corrected.
New LevelSetting requester included.
Mistake in the New routine found.
V2.43 Very stupid mistake in the installer script found and removed.
Hiscore cycle gadget shows now only the three valid values.
Old cheat removed and 3 new cheats added.
° Your personnel wishes !!
° The original music
First I want to thank Silke Bormann for writing the English
Furthermore I want to thank Timo Hegemann, who made an AGA test on
BoulderDäsh and gave me proposals for improvements and suggestions.
For beta testing, which shows some more mistakes, I want to thank
Andreas Vierkant.
Also I want to thank Silke Bormann for her confused playing, that shows
some more bugs.
Thanks to Joona Palaste for the nice graphic sets.
Black&White Computer Egyptian JokeAmiga
LCD Medical Moria Psychedelic
Space Spooky Techno Western
° The water sound is missing, because I don't know, what it was like.
° Perhaps the DoubleScan mode doesn't work. I haven't got any
possibilities to test this function. So I need your help to get it
The Author
The Author
If you find some bugs in BoulderDäsh, please send me a message, so that
I can correct these bugs in the next version.
I will also thank you for suggestions to enlarge BoulderDäsh.
I will also welcome your own games, levels and graphics. I will add
them in the new version after testing their quality. The author will
also be mentioned. Please also complete the game information.
IMPORTANT: I don't send back floppy disks !!!
The best you can do is sending me the files via fidonet as
Crash-Fileattached. I will answer you and tell you what had happened to
your hand in.
Guido Mersmann
Glatzer Straße 12
48477 Hörstel
FIDONET : 2:2449/205.15
TREKNET : 37:1/501.15
Someone, who don't want to send me 10DM via post, but remit it, can do
this as well:
Sparkasse Ibbenbüren
Bankleitzahl: 403 510 60
Kontonummer : 71107791
The Main Window
The Main Window
This window is the centre of BoulderDäsh. The Close-Gadget ends the
Game Editor
Opens the
game editor
window, where you can create your own games.
Game Settings
This button opens the game setting window, where you can configurate
BoulderDäsh in the way you want.
With this button you get into the
of the loaded game.
Start Game
Starts the loaded BoulderDäsh game. Before starting you should enter
the names of the players in the
Exit Game
Ends BoulderDäsh and closes all open windows, which belong to
The Game Editor
The Game Editor
With the GameEditor you can put together to a game as much levels as
you want and save them as a game.
The GameEditor doesn't run with the original games! So there isn't a
possibility to edit the original levels.
Here are all available levels listed. Also the current level is listed
The first level in the list is level 1, the second level is level 2.
The names of the levels do not correlate with the order in the game.
Here a level with the size 2*2 screens is created and is added to the
list. The size is equivalent to the original C64-Caves.
Deletes the current level
Moves the current level one entry up.
Moves the current level one entry down.
Edit level
Starts the
Level Editor
Level settings
opens the
Game information
opens the
Load level
Opens an ASL-requester, in which you can choose the level, that you
want to load. The level will be added in the level list at the end
after loading.
Save level
Saves the currently chosen level. The LevelName is given as FileName in
the ASL-requester.
Load game
After the choice in the File requester a game with its levels will be
loaded. All levels, that were in the memory, will be deleted.
Link game
Like LoadGame all levels of the new game will be added to the levels of
the game, which is already in the memory.
Save Game
Saves all levels in one data. So the levels needn't be saved
If you press the Control-key simultaneously, you save the level with
protection identification. This can't be undo. So please save the game
only protected, if you want to give it on to another person, or if you
are sure, that no more changes are needed.
Delete game
With this option you can delete all levels, that are in the memory.
Before this happens a security requester appears.
Game Settings
Game Settings
Here you can make global modifications, that count for the whole game.
Number of Players
Here you can adjust the number of players, who join the game. After
each life there is a change. (The exceptions are intermissions)
Name settings
This button opens the
name settings
-requester, in which you can enter
all player names and where you can make further adjustments.
Number of Lives
Here you can adjust the number of lives, the players will have in the
following games. The games delivered by me don't make this adjustments.
Starting a Level
With this slider you can adjust the level, in which the game should
start. This function doesn't run with the delivered games.
Levelchanging Tilulit
With this button you can switch of the level changing effect.
Simple Tilulit
Here the moving blocks in the level changing will be replaced by static
ones. You can only click on this button, if the level changing effect
is active.
Editor Tilulit
With this button you can switch on the Tilulit for changing between
GameEditor, LevelEditor and LevelEditor and TestingMode. Like the
simple Tilulit this button can only be switched one, if the level
changing effect is active.
Game Graphics
With this gadget you can load the game graphics, which you want to play
with. You can also load
Own Graphics
Game Font
Here you can adjust which font for the score line you want to play
with. You can also load your
Own Font
Default Game
The default game will be loaded automatically while starting
BoulderDäsh. After installation this game is called "BolderDäsh.game".
I haven't got any possibilities to test this mode, because I haven't
got a AGA-ChipSet and a qualified screen. So please be patient, if this
mode doesn't run.
With this button you can switch on the DoubleScan mode. If you have a
screen, that supports a mode free of flickering, so please switch on
this button. After installation the button is in an optable position
for your system.
You can only choose this button, if you have installed DBLPAL or
DBLNTSC screen driver. These drivers require the AGA-Chipset.
Be assure, that your screen can work on this high frequencies, which
the DoubleScan mode produces.
If your work bench isn't adjusted in the right way, BoulderDäsh can't
detect this!!!!
I do not guarantee for damages or data loss caused by BoulderDäsh !!!!
This adjustments will be overtaken.
This adjustments will be saved and the requester will be existed.
Besides the adjustments in this requester also the path and pattern
fields of the different ASL requester will be saved. BoulderDäsh will
remember the names of the players. These names will also be saved and
will be loaded again by the next starting of BoulderDäsh. So don't be
surprised, if you will be announced personally.
The prefs data is in the program directory under the name
The adjustments will be rejected. The close gadget does the same.
Player Name
Player Names
In this requester you can enter the player names and make other
adjustments. You can enter it by pressing player names button in the
Game Setting
Player 1 - (6)
Here you can enter the names of the single players. These names will be
added in the highscorelist later on and will be shown, if you change
the level.
Names on level start-up
In this checkbox you can adjust, if the player name or only player X
should appear while changing the levels.
The Highsorelist
Here the highscores of the current level are shown. The list will be
saved automatically after every new entry.
The given scores are real. I hate imitated scores with the first place
at a score 100000. So I have decided to add the scores played at my
computer. So if you beat this scores you also beat myself and my
There are three different highscorelists for every game.
1. Game Records
The game records show the best 15 players.
The reached level is more important than the amount of score. If you
reach level 4 and have a score of 5678, you will be added in the
highscores before an entry with a score of 7890 in level 3.
2. Level Records
In the level records there is shown the best player for every level.
The score is shown, that the player has reached with that life, that he
leaves the level.
3. Time Records
Here is one entry for every level as well. So you must reach a shorter
With this gadget you can adjust the list, you want to see.
The Level Editor
The Level Editor
The chosen level will be shown in the level editor. The screen will
devided into two parts.
At the top there are all elements, which you can choose in the level.
Please pay attention to the fact, that you can see only some of the
elements, because you can scroll this choosing beam.
At the bottom you can see the edited level itself.
Some elements are marked to bebetter recognised. Letters in the corner
right up of the elements show you the type. "I" = in "S" = Slime etc.
An "F" in the left bottom of the element symbolises Fake, an imitation
of the original block.
With the joystick you can move trough the level and if you push the
fire button you can set the element you have activated in the element
Into the level frame you can only set the "In", "Out" and "Metall"
Here are all keys, you can use in the level editor :
Esc : Ends the LevelEditor
F1 : Testing a level (if you press F1 you can leave the testing mode)
Del : and a following Y deletes the level
Help : Counts all diamonds and registers then as needed.
F6 : The current element and distributes them 15 times in the level
CRSR R : moves the element chooser one step right
CRSR L : moves the element chooser one step left
C : Space (Clear)
D : Diamond
S : Stone
E : ground
M : Metal
W : Wall
P : Magic Wall
L : growing wall left/right
U : growing wall up/down
R : water
G : Butterfly
N : Firefly
I : In
O : Out blinking
Y : Out not blinking
Z : Out fake
T : Twin
F : Metal Fake
Q : Slime
A : Stone Ghost
1 : Gravitation Arrow Up
2 : Gravitation Arrow Down
3 : Gravitation Arrow Left
4 : Gravitation Arrow Right
5 : Userblock (Has got the same function than a wall)
Level Settings
Level Adjustments
This windows allows the adjustments of all variables, BoulderDäsh
allows for a level.
Level Name
The name of the level. This level is only needed for the level list at
the moment.
This gadget opens the requester for
things. Here you can
adjust the width and height, level time, game speed and many more.
Water and Slime
Also this button opens a window. In this window you can make all
adjustments, concerning
Water or Slime
Score Adjustment Window
, that will be opened, if you click at it,
allows the editing of all scores, the player can get in this levels.
With Ok the adjustment of all windows will be taken over and the level
setting window will be closed. Windows, that where opened from here
will be closed as well.
Cancels all adjustments and ends all level setting windows.
Level Settings - Various Things
Level Settings - Miscellaneous
Level Width
Here the width of a level can be adjusted in elements.
Level Height
Here you can adjust the height of a level in elements.
Game Speed
Here you can adjust the game speed.
Level time
Here you can adjust the amount of seconds a player should have to
collect all diamonds and reach the Out.
Magic wall time
Here you can adjust the amount of seconds the magic wall stays active
after activation.
Diamonds needed
The number of the here adjusted diamonds are needed to end the level.
Intermissions are levels, in which you can't loose a life. If you end
the Intermission successfully, you will get a new life.
BoulderDäsh allows the adjustment of the gravitation in all directions.
The stones can also fall up, left, right and as in the Classic
BoulderDäsh down.
Level Settings - Water and Slime
Level Setting - Water and Slime
In this window you can make all adjustments concerning water or slime.
Water growing time
This time starts directly at the beginning of a level. In this time the
water grows in the growing rate. Are the adjusted seconds over, it will
be changed into the flood rate.
Magic water time
This time starts directly at the beginning of a level, too. In this
time it is possible to change all water to diamonds by activating the
magic wall.
Water growing rate
Directly after the beginning of a level the water grows with this rate.
Water flood rate
This rate will be activated, if the growing rate time is over.
Water maximum
With a special size the water turns to stone. Here you can adjust the
percent of the level size, which must be flooded, to turn the water
into stones.
Slime rate
Here you can adjust the speed, in which the stones or diamonds slime
through the slime.
Level Settings - Scores
Level Settings - Scores
Here you can add the scores for the different events while the level.
Every diamond gives you the score, which is adjusted here.
Diamond extra
If someone has collected all diamonds, he gets this score for every
extra diamond.
For each diamond more than 99 you get this score.
For bonus life
Every time someone reaches this score, he gets a bonus life. If you add
1000 here, you get a new life every time, you add to your score 1000.
The counter is limited to the current level, that means, if you loose
your life at a score of 500, you only need a score of 500 to reach a
life bonus.
Time bonus
Here you can state how much score each second should give at the and of
the level.
The Game Information
Game Information
The game information content some adjustments, that will be used for
the whole game.
Here you can enter your name.
This field you can use for any text, that hasn't got any special
This date is the time, when the game was saved. It will be changed
automatically, if you save the game again.
Game Version
This entry will be changed as well, if you save the game again. It
should make the recognition of different versions from one game easier.
By pushing this button the window will be closed and the data will
With cancel all adjustments, that you have done in this window, will be
rejected. The window will be closed.
The Added Graphics
The Added Graphics
Here is a list of the single graphics and their authors :
Guido Mersmann
Joona Palaste
Space.gfx ;Space
LCD.gfx ;my favourite
JokeAmiga.gfx ;like ClassicAmiga but everything twisted
I want to thank all authors again.
Sometimes I have changed the arrangements of the graphics or added new
ones to support new features.
Block Position Table
Block position table
The blocks are given from left to right and after the end of the line
it will turn to the beginning of the next line.
1 reserved (was Space)
2 ground
3 Metal
4 Metal moving (while Leveltilulit)
5 Metal Fake
6 Stone
7 Stone Ghost sleeping
8 Growing Wall left/right
9 Growing Wall up/down
10 Explosion 0 (The single blocks for the diamond creation explosion)
11 Explosion 1
12 Explosion 2
13 Explosion 3
14 Explosion 4
15 Plop 0 (The single blocks for the creation of Rockford and the
16 Plop 1 stone creation explosion.)
17 Plop 2
18 Twin
19 Reserved
20- 27 Diamond Ghost Animation (8 Blocks)
28- 35 Diamond Animation (8 Blocks)
36- 43 Ghost Animation (8 Blocks)
44- 51 Water Animation (8 Blocks)
52- 59 Slime Animation (8 Blocks)
60- 67 Rockford left Animation (8 Blocks)
68- 75 Rockford right Animation (8 Blocks)
76- 83 Stone Ghost Runs Animation (8 Blocks)
84- 91 Level In Animation (8 Blocks)
92- 99 Level Out Animation (8 Blocks)
100-107 Level Out Fake Animation (8 Blocks)
108-115 Magic Wall Animation (8 Blocks)
116-123 User Block Animation (8 Blocks)
124-126 Rockford stands (in each case 3 half blocks for head and legs)
127 Rockford stands (Main State)
128 Gravitation Arrow Up
129 Gravitation Arrow Down
130 Gravitation Arrow Left
131 Gravitation Arrow Right
132 Bonus Life Animaiton (8 Blocks)
133 Space Animation (8 Blocks)
Tooltypes of the Graphic Data
The Tooltypes of the Graphic Data
At the moment the following tooltypes will be supported. In brackets
there are the default values, that can be used, if no tooltypes are
"Speed_ManRight" (1)
"Speed_ManLeft" (1)
"Speed_BonusLive" (1)
"Speed_MagicWall" (2)
"Speed_Diamond" (2)
"Speed_In" (10)
"Speed_Out" (10)
"Speed_FakeOut" (10)
"Speed_DiamondGhost" (2)
"Speed_Ghost" (3)
"Speed_Stonie" (7)
"Speed_Water" (7)
"Speed_Slime" (7)
"Speed_MovingBlock" (1)
"Speed_UserBlock" (3)
"Speed_Space" (1)
These tooltypes need a value from 0 to 255. These values are the delay
time. The higher this value is the slower will be the animation.
Examples :